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Thomas Harms

Thomas Harms

Co-founder and Chairman, NET4BOARDS


Thomas founded NET4BOARDS, an innovative & sophisticated Strategy Consulting Ecosystem. As rethinking strategies are now more important and challenging than ever before, he enables his clients to find their North Star, achieve unique insights and experiences, set long-term Strategy Goals and to decide what to do when.


Until the end of June 2023 he served as EY’s Global Retail Leader and had been responsible for defining and implementing the EY strategy for the retail industry.


After more than 30 years advising national and international companies, Thomas is just as curious about new developments as he was at the start of his business career.


During his entire career, he has always been passionate about making people and companies better. Early on, he specialized in Consumer Goods and Retail and has worked with the world’s Top Leaders and Entrepreneurs in the industry.


Thomas has recently been named in succession - one of the Top Retail Experts by RETHINK Retail.


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