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Selvane Mohandas du Ménil

Selvane Mohandas du Ménil

Managing Director , International Association of Department Stores

Selvane Mohandas du Ménil, 44, has been Managing Director of the International Association of Department Stores (IADS) since June 2020. He started his career in product and commercial-oriented positions at L’Oréal, Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent, Sonia Rykiel and most recently at Parfums D’Orsay as Deputy Director.

Born in France with Indian origins, he graduated from HEC Paris, IFM Institut Français de la Mode (where he teaches Luxury Distribution) and is alumni of Science Po Paris. Author of research works on Luxury, he also contributes to the fine art monthly magazine Beaux Arts Magazine, for the fashion column.

His extensive experience in business development combined with his current position, where he is exchanging on a regular basis with the CEOs of the top department stores in the world, allow him to have an expert understanding of retail and most specifically of the trends, challenges and solutions, in the exciting world of department stores.


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