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Dimas Gimeno 'lvarez

Dimas Gimeno 'lvarez

Chairman and Founder, WOW Concept Store

Dimas Gimeno is an entrepreneur and investor in the retail and technology industry. He has a law degree and a master's degree in private law from the Universidad de San Pablo (CEU) and an EMBA from AESE Business School (associated with IESE).

Dimas belongs to the 4th. generation of the family that owns El Corte Inglés. On his return from studying in Australia he joined the company, moving to Portugal to collaborate with different executive positions with the opening of the subsidiary and the first El Corte Inglés center in the city of Lisbon and, later, in Porto. After his mission in Portugal, Dimas returned to work in Head Office as a board member and in charge of sales management. In 2014 he was appointed executive president of El Corte Inglés, a position he left in 2018.

Currently, he is a founding partner and CEO of WOW, a phygital retail platform that combines a marketplace and an experiential physical space. 

Dimas believes that the retail sector is facing a paradigm shift, which goes beyond mere digital acceleration. There have also been changes at a social, economic, technological level ... And, most importantly, there has been a change in the equation of the value of our consumers ... Faced with this new paradigm, which means the end of retail as we have known it, It is essential that companies in the industry carry out a retail reset.

He is a co-author, along with Luis Lara, of the book "Retail Reset" Editorial LID (2021) to be launched in English in January 2023.


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