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The Lane Crawford Joyce Group COVID-19 Response

Lane Crawford has kept all stores open in Hong Kong and China, except for one store in Beijing which was closed because the shopping mall was closed. Joyce and On Pedder have remained open. ImagineX has had some of the stores of its brand partners closed in China due to proximity to the epicentre and districts that have closed stores, but they are all open in China now.

A full list of enhanced precautionary measures were sent to customers by Lane Crawford on March 21 and is placed across our store entrances – these measures are largely followed across our multi-brand stores (On Pedder and Joyce, for example don’t have Platinum Suites) and where possible with our mono-brand stores in ImagineX. The following is an abbreviated summary of our measures for store staff, office staff and customers:

Store Staff

  • Separation of our store staff, Concierge and support staff into two teams with staff working two days on and two days off. There is no contact between the teams to ensure the containment of infection, should one of our people fall ill or be exposed to an individual who is infected
  • Hygiene practices include all staff having their temperature taken upon entry to store; mask wearing at all times; hand sanitisers are provided for staff and customers at main entrances, the Concierge desk, and at our Private and Platinum Suites; increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting areas in the store, our back office and staff rooms; for all staff handling credit and cash payments, they will wear gloves or sanitise their hands before accepting card and cash, and after returning the card or cash to customers; and all staff serving food and beverage in our Suites will wear gloves.


  • Customers must declare their travel history, and may not visit our stores and/or Private and Platinum suites for 14 days following their return to Hong Kong from anywhere in the world (with the exception of Macau and Taiwan). 
  • Customers must have their temperature checked upon entry to our stores.
  • Customers must wear a mask while in store as a courtesy to staff and all other customers
  • Suspension of most of our beauty treatments and services.

For our office staff:

  • Work from home option for all staff and flexible working hours to support staff who are looking after children or the elderly as schools have been suspended since January 23
  • If working in the office, staff must come on their designated alternate shift days and because we occupy 9 floors in our office building, we have asked staff to restrict their movements to the floor they work on, during this period.
  • For social distancing, we run virtual meetings rather than physical meetings, even when in the office.
  • We strongly encourage pregnant women to work from home.
  • Mandatory mask wearing if working in the office
  • Any staff member who has returned or is living with an individual who has returned from anywhere in the world in the past 14 days must self-isolate for 14 days from the date of arrival and provide a travel declaration.
  • Additional cleaners have been hired to ensure workspaces, common areas and all surfaces are cleaned and disinfected frequently.
  • All staff must complete a temperature check on arrival.


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