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09 Mar 2020

Exclusive interview with Barbara Daliri, SVP Demand, Zalando

Exclusive interview with Barbara Daliri, SVP Demand, Zalando

What does it mean to you to be a female leader and trailblazer?

“I don’t perceive myself as a trailblazer. Rather, I am grateful to those women who paved the path. However, being a female leader gives you the opportunity and obligation to break with stereotypes and myths about women in leadership and to change the antiquated rules of the game.”

A spotlight on your amazing journey – what are some of your highlights?

“Throughout my career, I have been lucky to work at companies that are real leaders in their fields: Google, Netflix, Microsoft and now Zalando. I’ve experienced many highlights, from launching YouTube in several EMEA markets to introducing Netflix to Central Europe, and now building up stellar marketing at Zalando. I’ve certainly learned a lot from these positive experiences, but I think I learned even more from my lowlights and tough moments. Those moments shaped me and drove my personal development.”

Any advice you would give to others, particularly women?

“Look for opportunities to learn and fail. Success is great but pushbacks can bring you even further. Trust yourself and enjoy the ride. Stick to your values.”

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